13 August 2009

Bear Away

bear away
past the steel hard edge
of discontent and Muses lost.

bear away
past the itching and slicing poison
of unearned hope and geodesy drawn
to a sculpted land beneath a divine hand.

See there — the holy and high
who walk in feet amucked,
soaked in the tears and dander
of pierced eyes and tight stretched skins:
lampshades they are amaking
of gutted infidels or they that disagree.

bear a way
past that land of sure and certain hope
resurrected from the broken bones
and torn sinews of the innocent
that is to say “silent,” partners
in the discourse of Tweedledee
and Tweedledee dumb that defines
those fit for the divine hotplate
or not.

Look alive, my innocent
unborn to controversy
full of vigor and heart,
who sees not two, but one
one dance that is all in all
one moment that is neither history nor hope
but one, one.

But, my innocent
be deaf and be blind
mark not your chart or heart
with the land of the dying and dead
or difference dragons
of dimpled dicks and pussy wounds
that would, obdurate and mean,
encoil and grasp with broken scales.

bear a way, far away
I will not be there.
I have taken to that path
onto that map, a course from which
I cannot turn,
even turn to be not two
but one with you
my love, who is away.

Be away my love
away from this I see
gristled refuse of what could be
of mercy and one that in bleeding
did a new cup make
to drink with strangers and walk in hope
not of the sure, uncertain of certain
but with the dead
that they might alive be
and like me they might be
not angry nor forlorn
but full of songs,
unsung and new
And they might sing for you.

But my love
do bear away
away from conceits and defeats
from thoise ancient difference dragons
that still hold in three pronged claws
the hearts of those who see
a cup, now a lie
but that once did
free and tear away
those things done and undone
but that us do now lead
to an ordinary decay.

But, bear a way
away from this
away from here
away from any measurement
that makes two of one,
and not just one
bear a way
to something new
that I and we
cannot see.

Odd number,
this mark of three
that would chain
me and many
and you,
you my love.

So my love
do bear away
from those ranks,
rank upon rank
of Saints and soldiers
of martyrs and virgins held
conscripted and confined
to arms unarmed and yet still
an Army of ghosts
that marches
to an odd beat of threes.

Please my love, flee
stay clear of the land
of twos and threes
of the flowered graves
of diversity and
grave monstrances
where one is confined
and glass walls contain
bread so thin as to near

So my love
as yet unafeared and unafraid
in all fear please do,
not stay but bear away,

[for Noah]

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